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Nov 02 2016

Sensual Erotic Massage

Our sensual relaxing erotic massage is a one of the greatest massage you will ever experience. The sensuality and pleasure you experience in a normal Tantric massage is significantly amplified in a sensual massage. Sensual Massage are gifts from the tantric culture and allow the receiver of this massage to enter into a state of bliss once thought to be unattainble. A sensual massage helps to relax the body and the mind and let your soul enter into eternal bliss for a period of time. Unlike a normal tantric massage, a sensual erotic massage concentrates a good deal on bodily contact and using the friction from rubbing and sense enticing motions to heighten the senses and send them into overdrive. Once in overdrive, the touching and teasing starts. A sensual massage will rarely have you reaching climax very soon. The whole purpose is to tease and incite the body , kind of like alternating water between boiling and simmering. During a sensual massage, every part of your body, from your head to toe is teased. You will feel as if every single trouble in your mind and every pain lingering in your body is being whisked away by the hands of the most sensual being you have ever seen. You will feel a level of erotic sensuality that is usually found manifesting in your wildest and most erotic fantasies. Every part of your body will scream out for more, and the same time. will want to give in to the pleasure, relax and enjoy. If you haven't tried a sensual erotic massage even once, you are missing out on a lot. ​🌹 🌹 🌹